Saturday 12 November 2016

Improve Your Appearance and Personality with Teeth Whitening

A set of bright teeth makes your smile more dazzling and attractive. However, as you start getting older, that whiteness gradually wears out. This problem affects everyone at some point of time in life. In order to avoid this from occurring, you should cut down on beverages like tea, coffee, red wine and alcohol as much as possible. Smoking also leaves a nasty stain on the teeth, making your smile less attractive and bright. To overcome this major issue, cosmetic dentistry has introduced a specific treatment known as teeth whitening treatment.

This treatment is unbelievably popular in London and an increasing number of cosmetic dentistry clinics across the city are providing the service.

Tooth is made up of a pair of layers mentioned below:

  • The soft inner layer or dentin and
  •  A harder outer layer, enamel
The beverages and tobacco smoke are responsible for the formation of a coating on the outer layer or enamel known as pellicle film. The cosmetic dentistry of tooth whitening is all about removing the pellicle film from your teeth. Once, the removal procedure is over, your teeth will regain its natural shine that will definitely turn your smile an impressive one.

Importance of clinically supervised treatment

As numerous people prefer home remedies for teeth whitening, several tools and gels are available in the market for teeth bleaching in London. Moreover, varieties of whitening tools are there to suit every individual needs. Hence, it is significant to have your kit recommended by a dentist. Although it is cost-effective, yet you will obtain the desirable results in a progressive manner. In contrast to this, the teeth whitening treatment you can obtain from any teeth whitening clinic in London retains the lost shine of the teeth almost instantly.

Moreover, different varieties of whitening tools are there in the market to suit individual needs. It is important to have your kit recommended by a dentist.

Eligibility for teeth whitening

The cosmetic dentistry treatment is for everyone irrespective of age. However, it is usually not recommended to the people with sensitive teeth, excessive white spot, decayed teeth and gum infections. Also the persons with crowns and other dental treatments are excluded from the list. In order to judge your eligibility for the treatment, it is better to visit a dentist’s office.

Fast and painless

This painless and non-invasive treatment procedure is quite simple and a session hardly takes more than 45 minutes in all. During the treatment, the dentist will apply a coat of whitening gel on your teeth and make you sit under special lightening for about 15 minutes. It helps in the activation of the whitening agents present in the gel. This process is usually repeated about two or three times during a single visit to get optimum results.

Teeth whitening procedure is not only helpful to make your smile more beautiful but also boosts up your level of self-confidence. This dental treatment can really do wonders on both personality and appearance within minutes. To enjoy the benefits, visit a reputed cosmetic dentistry clinic today.


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