Thursday 26 May 2016

6 Ways To Keep Your Teeth and Gum Healthy With Teeth Whitening Treatments

The most important feature in your face would be your smile. And for a beautiful smile a straight and beautifully aligned set of teeth is not enough. You also need healthy and beautiful gums. Even those, who do not have any cavity problem or have the whitest teeth in town, cannot be assured that their gum is safe. Gingivitis and other gum problems can still occur, if your gum immunity is not strong. The problem with gum diseases is that they are usually painless in their initial stages. So, these diseases have been neglected in a great way.

About gum diseases: The very first stage and the most prominent cause of gum diseases is plaque build-up. Plaque forms, when food particles get trapped in the gaps of teeth and are not cleaned properly. It is a film like substance that forms a layer of bacteria infecting the teeth root severely. It can cause harm to the bone, teeth and gum respectively declining the overall oral health.

Gingivitis: Gingivitis is the most common gum disease that is caused mostly by the plaque deposition. It makes the gums red, tender, swollen and inflamed. It can, at times, lead to bleeding gums. However, as the teeth and bones are not impacted with this disease, proper treatment can cure this problem completely.

Periodontitis: In this disease, along with the gum, the teeth and the bone and the surrounding tissue are also affected badly. Hence, a delay in the treatment can cause potential damage to the bone and fibre tissue that support the teeth. Consequently, the teeth-setting is damaged and The bite gets also disturbed.

Signs and symptoms of gum disease:

  • loose or gapped permanent teeth
  • consistent bad breath and bad taste
  • swollen, red, or tender gums
  • bleeding gums
  • gums, pulled away from your teeth

Preventing gum diseases – 6 useful steps to follow:

1. Regular dental cleaning: After you eat, your teeth and the entire mouth must be cleaned thoroughly. Otherwise, the stuck food particles can create plaque. Plaque deposition can lead to tartar formation, which is even harder to remove or clean by brushing or flossing. To get rid of plaque, you must clean your mouth after every meal if possible. Otherwise, brushing must be done at least twice a day.

In any adverse condition, you require professional dental cleaning to remove the tartar. The dentist utilizes professional materials and tools to remove it. Moreover, they will check your oral health and dental condition and recommend the right treatment and preventive measure for you too. Hence, visiting a dentist regularly for check-ups and professional teeth cleaning is a must.

2. Brush twice a day: Just visiting the dentist regularly isn’t enough. You have to maintain a good dental health at home. For that, you must brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use a soft-bristled one to brush the teeth, otherwise the hard bristles, when used with a bit more pressure, can scratch the gums and lead them to bleed. Change your toothbrush at least once in every three to four months. Not only brushing, tongue cleaning is also important as well to remove the huge deposition of bacteria from the tongue.

3. Floss regularly: Flossing is as important as brushing and you must do it at least once every day. This is because, flossing can remove the food particles that beyond the reach of the toothbrush to clean. You can floss the teeth at any time of the day.

4. Use fluoride based toothpastes: There are a number of toothpaste options that you will find in the stores. Which one you would be choosing is entirely up to you and your requirement. If you want toothpaste that will lower the chance of various mouth diseases and sensitivity, you can easily find them. Otherwise, you can go for a teeth whitening toothpaste or simply a fluoride based toothpaste for promoting your dental health and maintaining oral hygiene. It is highly recommended to visit a clinic of teeth whitening in London, before starting any of the availed options.

5. Using therapeutic mouthwash: Apart from brushing and flossing you should also use a therapeutic mouthwash that will help in reducing gingivitis and plaque and tartar deposition. You can choose one that is approved and safe for use.

6. Quit smoking: Smoking is another problem that declines the dental health. Quit smoking, so that your teeth are spared from the ill impacts of tobacco. Smoking even lost the whiteness and natural sparkle of the teeth. Hence, you have to visit clinic of teeth whitening London for the whitening treatment.

According to the cosmetic dentists, the mentioned 6 methods are reliable and effective for natural teeth whitening. You must follow them to maintain a white, bright and healthy teeth and gum.


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